
Tuesday 22 September 2020

Ordering Decimals

 Hey guys,

Today I will be posting my Math DLO that I have made to teach others about a strategy that I have learnt which is ordering decimals. For this activity we are also trying to be creative and also did another book creator for my DLO. Our teacher was actually creative enough and made a really fun and amusing slideshow and used links and pictures to make it amusing for us to look through and the links leaded to games, information about strategies and more. 

Some of us even tried to do what our teacher did and I'm sure they did an amazing job. Book Creators are really fun and great to use. I really recommend this app to you and hope you would use it in the future.

Maori Language Week

 Hello guys,

Last week was Maori Language week and today I managed to complete my Maori language week activity and post it to my blog. For this activity we looked through some new tools we could use to be more creative with our DLO's. After, they were some slides we could choose through to make a DLO about. The slides were about Maori colors, Maori alphabet and etc). I choose to do Maori Greetings on my one and chose to be creative and made it into a story using Book Creator. Book Creator is a an app where you can make comic books or just books. 

Monday 21 September 2020

The Seven Sacraments

 Hey guys, 

This week is the last week of this term. We are trying to finish some of our work from this term and try and finish them by the end of this week. Today I completed my Sacraments work from R.E. It is about the Seven Sacraments and each Sacrament is either a Sacrament of Initiation, Sacrament of Healing and Sacrament of Commitment. They were videos and information for us to read and watch to remind our selves of what the Seven Sacraments were and for this activity, I actually learned that they're was a Sacrament of Initiation and etc). 

This week we also tried to be more creative with our DLO's and our work and the majority of us is very creative with our work. For the activity, the first thing we had to do was create a DLO of the Sacraments of the Initiation. The second one was to create a poster or picture that explains the Grace we receive through the Sacrament of Healing. Then the last one was to either make a Newspaper article about how they carry out the responsibility for the Church and their demonstration on being a leader.

Here is the DLO that I made;

Here is the poster I created and added links under;

Here are some links to some information about the Sacraments of Healing

Here is the news article I made using newspaper generator.;

Hoped you enjoyed it!

Thursday 17 September 2020

Uru Manuka Student Summit 2020

Hello guys, 

Today our class and Room 5 were busy nearly all morning because we were joining these hangouts about different toolkits. They were 4 sessions/hangouts we joined in different hours and learnt different tool and skills to use in the future. Yesterday we actually had to fill in a form on what which hangouts we would like to join/learn on each sessions.

One of the session I joined was very amusing because people were very nice and explained it very well so i think they did an awesome job. After every session we would have to fill this form in about if we enjoyed it and what we like about it.

About my other sessions they were very fun and amusing too because some of them really taught me new things but some were talking kinda fast and some people in the hangout also tried their best to keep up on what they person who was representing was saying.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Pope's Inquiry

 Hi guys,

It has been a while since I have post but its okay:) Last week we were learning about Pope's and Bishops and they were activities that we had to do. Then they're was this slideshow that we had to look through and follow the instructions and we had to make an inquiry for the Pope to write about. They were different inquiries we could chose from then answer three questions. We were allowed to make a DLO about it or answer the questions straight on our blog. I also had to do some research to write about.