
Wednesday 29 November 2017


WALT show respect in different situations.
 Our school has 4 Values.The final value is Respect. We have been learning about Respect.Every Monday all of the student go to the hall and learn about the CERR Values and after we learn about CERR Values we add a slide on our respect slideshow and write about what we've learn in the hall.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Why I like dolphins.

WALT write a poem about our favorite animal.

I like Dolphin

I like them.

Ask me why?

Because they squeak so much.

Because their fast at swimming.

Because their are fun to swim with.

Because they sleep with one eye open.

Because they're good at doing tricks.

Because their .

Because they are chilly.

Because their nice and shareful.

Because ………
Because ……….

That’s why I like Dolphin.