
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Christmas All Around The World

 HELLO! Everyone,

Christmas is coming soon so here is an activity related to Christmas. Yesterday our teacher was out so we had another teacher come in and her name is Ms Coleman and while we were with her, we were given some work to do. Christmas All around the world was one of the work we had to do. It was about learning what other countries do for Christmas. Christmas is one of those seasons to celebrate with family and friends and pets so there was 11 countries I had to choose from and I chose Spain. From what I heard Spain is a really nice and beautiful country. 

I hope to also go there and celebrate Christmas there too because when I was doing some research I found some awesome things about Spain. About how they celebrate it and what they do to lift the Christmas spirit up. For the activity, we make a DLO about the country we chose and what they do for Christmas.

Here is the DLO I made:


Monday 23 November 2020

Real News - Fake News

 Kia Ora Everyone, as you all know from my last post. I have said a few things about Media and what it is. A quick preview, media is something people create that is filled with information like news articles, build boards and all kinds of sorts. This time it is about Fake news. We were introduced to some videos and new information about fake news and how to spot them. There were some things we had to go through before doing the activity we were given to do like how to spot fake news by looking at the URL (web address.).

Another way to spot fake news is by digging deeper into the site and see if anything you feel anything weird. The activity was to try and make our own site that has fake news and that will still entertain people. Here is what I made:


Thursday 19 November 2020

Constructing Media

 Hey everyone,

I know it has been quite long since I have posted and I hope to keep up on things so that I get to post more. Today I am going to tell and show you about what we were doing for cybersmart. We were looking at What is Media. As a class we watched some videos and never really got to do the activities but in the beginning of this week we started to look at constructing media. We watched more videos about it and some information which was about advertisement and got to make one for ourselves. 

For one of the activities, it was to make a newspaper article about an event that happened at school. The majority of us made a newspaper article about camp which happened two weeks ago and lots of us had a very fun time. I actually got ideas from some other students who presented the same thing in senior assembly and it was really cool. I tried making my newspaper article very cool too and this is what I made myself:

Hope you like how I detailed it quite deep and that you enjoy reading it!!

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Ordering Decimals

 Hey guys,

Today I will be posting my Math DLO that I have made to teach others about a strategy that I have learnt which is ordering decimals. For this activity we are also trying to be creative and also did another book creator for my DLO. Our teacher was actually creative enough and made a really fun and amusing slideshow and used links and pictures to make it amusing for us to look through and the links leaded to games, information about strategies and more. 

Some of us even tried to do what our teacher did and I'm sure they did an amazing job. Book Creators are really fun and great to use. I really recommend this app to you and hope you would use it in the future.

Maori Language Week

 Hello guys,

Last week was Maori Language week and today I managed to complete my Maori language week activity and post it to my blog. For this activity we looked through some new tools we could use to be more creative with our DLO's. After, they were some slides we could choose through to make a DLO about. The slides were about Maori colors, Maori alphabet and etc). I choose to do Maori Greetings on my one and chose to be creative and made it into a story using Book Creator. Book Creator is a an app where you can make comic books or just books. 

Monday 21 September 2020

The Seven Sacraments

 Hey guys, 

This week is the last week of this term. We are trying to finish some of our work from this term and try and finish them by the end of this week. Today I completed my Sacraments work from R.E. It is about the Seven Sacraments and each Sacrament is either a Sacrament of Initiation, Sacrament of Healing and Sacrament of Commitment. They were videos and information for us to read and watch to remind our selves of what the Seven Sacraments were and for this activity, I actually learned that they're was a Sacrament of Initiation and etc). 

This week we also tried to be more creative with our DLO's and our work and the majority of us is very creative with our work. For the activity, the first thing we had to do was create a DLO of the Sacraments of the Initiation. The second one was to create a poster or picture that explains the Grace we receive through the Sacrament of Healing. Then the last one was to either make a Newspaper article about how they carry out the responsibility for the Church and their demonstration on being a leader.

Here is the DLO that I made;

Here is the poster I created and added links under;

Here are some links to some information about the Sacraments of Healing

Here is the news article I made using newspaper generator.;

Hoped you enjoyed it!

Thursday 17 September 2020

Uru Manuka Student Summit 2020

Hello guys, 

Today our class and Room 5 were busy nearly all morning because we were joining these hangouts about different toolkits. They were 4 sessions/hangouts we joined in different hours and learnt different tool and skills to use in the future. Yesterday we actually had to fill in a form on what which hangouts we would like to join/learn on each sessions.

One of the session I joined was very amusing because people were very nice and explained it very well so i think they did an awesome job. After every session we would have to fill this form in about if we enjoyed it and what we like about it.

About my other sessions they were very fun and amusing too because some of them really taught me new things but some were talking kinda fast and some people in the hangout also tried their best to keep up on what they person who was representing was saying.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Pope's Inquiry

 Hi guys,

It has been a while since I have post but its okay:) Last week we were learning about Pope's and Bishops and they were activities that we had to do. Then they're was this slideshow that we had to look through and follow the instructions and we had to make an inquiry for the Pope to write about. They were different inquiries we could chose from then answer three questions. We were allowed to make a DLO about it or answer the questions straight on our blog. I also had to do some research to write about.


Tuesday 4 August 2020

Amazing and Awful Jobs Pirates had

WALT compare jobs pirates had on land and sea. 

This week for topic we are still learning about pirates and for this task we had to make a venn diagram for the different jobs pirates did on land and sea and in the middle of the diagram we would add the jobs they did that includes both land and sea. There were about three links about the jobs pirates had on ship and it gave us lots of information to talk about. It was also kinda hard to find jobs that the pirates did on land because they would usually be on boat and on the sea but I guess there are also some land jobs pirates do.

The job that I probably liked the most was to be a quartermaster because their responsible of the captain's behavior and if the captain crossed the line the quartermaster would punish the captain and also deals with disciplines and punishments. 

 Here is the venn diagram I made:

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Cipher Wheels

- Identify what is a cipher wheel.
-Describe how they are used.
-Create a cipher wheel to use.

This start of the term, our school is focusing and learning about pirates. For Topic we are learnt about Cipher Wheels and how pirates used them. There were information and links for us to read so that we would know how to make and use one. Pirates would use cipher wheels to send secret messages to people and they would have to make a code for the other pirate or person to figure out what they said. The reason why pirates used cipher wheels to send messages to their crew mate or someone was because they didn't want others to know what they wrote. Pirates were also around for many years and they probably used cipher wheels for a very long time.

For the last couple of days we made a cipher wheel and wrote a code message to our buddy to figure out where we hid the treasure that was given to us and we used a crunchie bar as our treasure for our buddy to find. The cipher wheel has letters and numbers on it so that when you right the code and the sentence, you have to write the numbers down that is facing the letters in the sentence you wrote. It is kinda hard to understand but it will get kinda easier when you try and do it. I also found it quite hard to do because of all of the numbers and letters but I think I just did it wrong but today I think I learnt how to do it properly.

Here is a picture of my cipher wheel:

Thursday 2 July 2020


Hi everybody, 

So this week for reading we are learning about Pleiades. There are different myths and stories about the cluster of stars for example Matariki, The Oinion wives, the Great Bear, Orphan boys and more. Our tasks for reading was to choose one country to research about Pleiades, and then we also had to create a DLO to teach others about the specific country we chose. I chose to do a powtoon for my DLO and the country I chose to reasearch about is Japan and in Japanese it is known as Subaru or Houki Boshi. 

This is the powtoon I made:

What I learnt is that there were also different myths around the world about Pleiades. What I enjoyed was probably reading the different myths and making a DLO about one of them. What I think I could do better is that I should make an improvement in my work by really trying my best to search for more and more information to add on my DLO but I think the information I found is good enough and very easy to understand.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Jesus' Life After Baptism

Today for RE we watched a video about Jesus' ministry and after that there was a task about what Jesus did after his baptism. There was three videos that we had to watch and the videos were about Jesus' baptism, when a devil tries to attempt Jesus to worship the evil and when he entered the synagogue and told others about the kingdom of heaven. After that we either have to choose to do a comic strip, story board template or a timeline about Jesus' life after baptism. I choose to do a comic strip and added what Jesus did after baptism.

Here is the comic strip I made:

Monday 29 June 2020

Jesus' Baptism

Last week on Friday, for R.E we learned about the Holy Spirit and there was a site that was about the Holy Spirit and there was two tasks. First task was about Gabriel surprising Mary with good news that she will give birth to the Son of God. After, there was questions about the video that we had to answer, then at the end there was a passage that we had to look up and there was one question that we had to also answer.

For task two we had to make a news report about Jesus' baptism. There was also some videos and passages about Jesus' baptism. For the news report we were able to use the news paper generator to put the news report about Jesus' baptism.

Here is the news report that I made:

Thursday 25 June 2020


WALT Summaries information using keywords and phrases. 

Hi guys.. 

This week we are learning about Matariki and how it was formed in the sky and lots more. First there were some information that we had to look through about Matariki. We also had to answer some questions before we could make our DLO and there was also some more videos and information we can go back through and write about. Also for the questions, there were answers at the end that we could not look through until we are finish. I have put some lots of information in my DLO and.. 

Here it is:


What I enjoyed is learning more about Matariki and making a DLO that will tell others what Matariki is and I also enjoyed reading and watching the vidoes and information about Matariki, and I can't seem to remember what I found hard but overall this was a fun activity to do.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


In reading, some groups are reading the same passages and they are about some Maori kai. My group is reading a passage about pōhā and we had to make a DLO about it. Before that we had to also watch a video explaining what poha is and how it is made. There was also a link to a website that shows more facts about poha that we could go back to when making out DLO. After, there was a doc where we had to find our own website where we can find our facts about poha.

In the DLO that I made has the explanation about what poha is and we also had to discuss hte impact that the use of these in early Maori and also include any modifications we think that could prove the design but I didn't add that because I don't think that the design of it needs to be improve because how it is also made and the protection of it, its very tough so that it won't break it or anything and that it can be use to put meat in it.

The Holy Spirit

In class we are learning about the holy spirit and today we have to make a blog post about the image or the title of God and how we can show others that I can be the Holy Spirit. So yesterday, in buddies we were given a passage each from the Scriptures and we had to illustrate what the verse or the passage was about and we could also add the titles of God. Me and my buddy were given the verse of, "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go meet God. Psalm 42:1-2".

So my buddy and I decided that the passage is about the water and streams so my buddy helped and drew a picture of a river and my buddy also wanted to add some nature in it so I helped him and we put the verse in and we thought of a title for God and wrote flowing streams because God will always be on our sides and make sure that we will never thirst and that the streams are where we get our fresh water and that it will keep us alive and safe. 

Here is the picture that my buddy drew that I helped him with:

How can I show that I can be the holy spirit?

How I can show that I can be the holy spirit is by showing the CERR Values in our school and that I keep on loving others as I will love them for eternity and that I will show joy and forgiveness like how God and Jesus showed it and that I will be paitence with things and show goodness to my family and friends.

Friday 12 June 2020

The Wanted Rat

For our reading activities, instead of doing the old way we use to do it, we now use reading activity cards. They are some random fun activities that we can do about the story that we are reading in our reading group. This week I choose to do a wanted poster about one of the person in the story that I am reading and its about a swimming race and I choose the rat in the story because he was one of the main character and he were was very suspicious during the whole race even at the start and at the end.

The book was called the race, of course and the animals that was in the story was actually based on the Signs of the Chinese Zodiac and I turned out to be born on the year of rats. 

Here is the poster that I made: 

The Gifts of God - Peace

This week on Thursday for R.E our class talked about the CERR Values in our school and the gifts of God and we also talked about some words that relates to a CERR Value. After, we talked about the fruits of the spirit. Some of us remembered a song about the fruits of the spirit that we use to sing in school and we even listened to it. The fruits of the spirit are kindness, gentleness, love, hope, self control and more. Then we named a CERR Value that we think it relates to. Then after, we had to make a DLO about a word from the frutis of the spirit that we were given and include why its one of God's gift.

Some of us made a DLO with a buddy and the rest of us made a DLO by ourselves. The word that I was given was peace. I had to write why peace was a gift of God and how it is important in our lives.

Hope you learnt why peace is a gift of God!
(If you didn't, just have peace!)

Sunday 24 May 2020

The Mysterious forest

During lock down we have been doing lots of writing at the start of this term and now that we are back in school we had another week to finish our writing. In our writing groups we have all learned how to make a pick path story. A pick a path story is when you write a story and its up to the reader to chose a choice that will lead to another path of the story which will continue but will still have an ending. 

When Ms Wilton takes our group for writing, each group had a google doc where we all put our planning in. Each week we would add to our planning then add it to our google form after we made our planning. It probably took us about 6 weeks to do our writing but some of us managed to finish our writing after those 6 weeks. We were also allowed to add images to our pick a path story once we were done with our writing but since I didn't get to add images to my story, I still worked hard on my writing and I hope you guys will like it too!:)

Monday 18 May 2020

Ways I can be more like Jesus

Week 6 and we are back in school. We have another 6 weeks till the end of the term and we still need to keep our boundaries. We also have to put hands sanitizer to keep our hands clean and we have to put some on our hands when we touch the door and before and after we eat. So please stay home if you are sick and please stay home if your not gonna go to school or work and please keep healthy. 

Today we are back and were mostly doing our R.E. Since at the start of the term we've been learning virtues and today we did a sheet about how we can be more like Jesus. After that we had to make a DLO about how we can be more like Jesus by showing virtues. I chose to do biteable because it is a very easy and simple to use and I have put lots of ideas on how I can be more like Jesus.


How can you become more like Jesus?

Friday 15 May 2020

Multiplying Larger Numbers

WALT use a range of mental strategies to solve addition problems.

This term my maths group has been learning lots of new strategies and some of them we already know and some are new and quite hard. We also had to make a DLO about one of the strategies in one of the chapters to teach others about that strategy. We could also add a quiz to our DLO to make it interactive. 
The strategy I chose to make a DLO on is multiplying larger numbers because I find it quite easy to learn and I think you will too. 

Here is the DLO I made:


Thursday 7 May 2020

Growing in Virtue

- Define what is meant by virtue.
- Identify virtues that enable people to live as Jesus did.
- Recognize ways people grow in virtue.

I know I have not posted in a while and I apologize for that, I also have not been doing my R.E work that much but I am trying my best to catch up with my work for R.E and trying to finish as much work as I can. At the start of this term, we looked at what virtues were. Virtues are kinda like values but they are behaviors shown in high standards. In our class site for R.E, there was a God Strand about virtues that we had to complete if we had time. The activities were to do in order and some of them were google forms that we had to complete and one of them was a doc that we had to make a copy of and answer the questions that were in that doc. Some of the questions in the doc were about the Rainbow Fish story that we also had to watch before answering the questions in the doc. The last thing was to make a DLO using a PDF which will also help us to make our DLO. There were two things that we had to do. 

It was to make a Venn Diagram and write on one of each side about how Jesus showed that he is a virtuous person and how we people show that we are virtuous too. In the middle, we had to write about how we can be a virtuous person like Jesus. The other one had a plant with lots of leaves and raindrops on it and in those leaves and raindrops, we had to write about situations that helps people grow in virtue and how we would like to grow in virtue.


Friday 17 April 2020

Chocolate Mug Cake

WALT identify the difference between a Physical and Chemical change.

This week was the first week of Term 2 and we started to do more online work since it was the start of school and there is the virus going around and we could not go outside. Instead we use hangouts to communicate with each other and our class site to see what we need to work on. We didn't have to do our work at the same time we do them at school and have morning tea or lunch at the same time we have them at school. We could choose when to do our work and today on our topic class site, there was a slideshow about Physical and Chemical changes. 

Physical change is when something is not formed into something new, for example melting an ice cube. A chemical change is when something is formed into something new, for example fireworks. There was a site where we could learn about physical and chemical change. After that we could do some experiments in the slideshow to see if its a physical or chemical change. There was four that we could choose from or even do all of them and we could make some bouncing bubbles, color changing milk, milk plastic tags or even chocolate mug cake. I chose to do the chocolate mug cake because I sometimes see people make it through social media and I badly wanted to try and make it so it was my chance and finally make it and see what it tastes like. I also got my mum to help me because I'm not really good at baking and I don't do it often. I really think that it was chemical change because it was formed into something new.

Here is the pictures that I took:

Keep safe! :)

Monday 30 March 2020

Under the Bed

 Under the Bed 

One of the online work we could do was writing. For writing there were prompts on our class site where we could choose from to write about. One of them are about a picture of a pup lying down on the ice and there were some questions and some activities that we have to work on first then we could start writing about the prompt using a story starter that is already in the slideshow where the activities and the prompts are. The prompt that I used and worked on was a picture of a boy peeking under his bed. 

Here is what I did:

Question time:
What was the noise that Michael heard?
The noise that Michael heard was a sound of little footsteps that was disturbing him.
What did he see under the bed? 
What he saw under the bed was a huge terrifying eyes with a red long smile below his red ghastly eyes.
What will happen next?
Michael thought It was a gigantic horrifying monster but little does he know there was also something beside him that will make him more terrified.
What did he feel when he first heard the noise?
He was disturbed at first but he also felt nervous about what the sound was.
What time of day do you think it is? 
Night because it is quite dark but there is a lamp that is shining bright on the floor above his head.
Have you ever been frightened of anything?
Yes, whenever I see an insect I sometimes get scared if it's big and it crawls or flies, I just lose myself. 
Why do things seem more frightening at night?
Because it's dark and it's so quiet that you could imagine seeing a monster.

Sentence Challenge:
Scuttling, loud hissing, howling

Picture perfect:

Story Starter: 

The scuttling noise had disturbed Michael, and he’d shot bolt upright in bed. After taking a deep breath, he flung himself onto the smooth wooden boards of his bedroom floor and took a peek… 

Suddenly Michael jumped up with surprise as he saw the most terrifying smile he has ever seen. He bounced up onto his bed and covered himself with his blanket. He wanted to sleep so badly but as he was about to sleep he forgot to close his lamp and saw a huge shadow shining upon his blanket. As he turned around to his side he took a huge deep breath on a little hole he made so that he can breathe because his blanket is so thick that you can’t breathe underneath but you can kinda see through it. When Micheal turned his back to the other side, he saw that the shadow wasn’t there anymore. He took a little peek above his blanket to see if it was actually gone. It was really strange for him because he was always told that there was something under his bed but he never believed. Michael is very fearless, so he got out of bed and bent down but all he saw was his missing teddy bear. He grabbed it and glanced on the floor. Looking at it so deeply with his big eyes and saw that there was no evidence of the monster with the huge shadow he saw. It was like it never existed so Michael went back to bed and was falling asleep so fast that he forgot to look to the other side if it was there.

'Lest We Forget'

WALT Think critically when looking at information in different texts. 

While doing work online, for reading we have been learning about ANZAC and how they fought in war. In our class reading site there were some activities about ANZAC that we have to do and finish. After we have done the activities, we will need to post 2 activities in our blog. One of the activities that I did was to make a 'Lest we Forget' poster about the ANZAC war. We had to think about the information we include and images.

Here is the poster that I made:

Sunday 29 March 2020

Maori Titles

WALT identify how Jesus is Matamua and Tuakana and explain the significance of this.

This week is the last week of the term and we are doing online work as school is cancelled because of the virus. We can do work if we want but its best to do some. For R.E we were learning about Maori titles independently and there was some few different Maori titles that we had to find out what it meant and create a DLO after that to teach others about the Maori titles.

We also had to add some sound into our DLO as last week we learnt about SISOMO, we need to make sure that other people that are blind or can't hear, can see or hear. SISOMO stands for Sight, Sound, and Motion. 

Friday 20 March 2020

Different Roles

Kia Ora, 

WALT identify how Jesus is Matamua and Tuakana and explain the significance of this. 

On Wednesday for R.E we have been talking about what a Matamua is and what a Tuakana is. As a class we have been talking about the different roles in our family. Ourselves, siblings and parents/caregivers. We also talked about what our role is and how do we show it. After, we had to make a DLO about a diary entry about a normal day with our family. We were also allowed to put what time we do things by just putting different hours and writing what we do during that hour. 

 Here is the DLO about a normal day with my family:

Thursday 19 March 2020

ANZAC Mascots

WALT Thing critically when looking at information in different texts. 

This week and last week, we have been looking at different stories about ANZAC and this week we are looking at ANZAC Mascots. First we read a journal story about the First World War Mascots. After, there was some links to some information about ANZAC Mascots that we had to read through to get some ideas for our DLO that we are going to make after we have found our own link to any information about ANZAC Mascots and put the link in a google doc that Ms Wilton shared to all of us, but after that we start our DLO. 

Mascots are used to represent a team or a group of people. They are also there to bring good luck and have great success through things. When making our DLO, we have to make sure that we use the link that we found to put information in our DLO about ANZAC mascots. After making a DLO we had to create our own mascot and tell how it can be helpful to other soldiers. Others decided to mix their mascots like a dog's head with a kangaroo's body and any mascot can be helpful to any teams. 

 Here is the DLO I made about ANZAC mascots and how they can be helpful:  

 Here is the Mascot that I created:


WALT Equal additions.

 This week for maths, in my maths group we had learnt about equal additions and Ms Wilton also gave us a sheet to practice on it first and then she told us to try and teach others to do the strategy too. So we had to make a DLO to teach others how to do the strategy we have learnt. We also had to explain how to do the strategy and make sure that people can understand it and that they will try and use it. 

Monday 16 March 2020

Maximilian Kolbe

WALT Recognize how Jesus's work of bringing God's saving love caused him to suffer and die.

Last week we have been learning about Maximilian Kolbe and Father Francis Douglas by ourselves. We had to make a DLO on which person we were gonna do, and most of us choose to do Maximilian Kolbe and only few of us did father Francis Douglas. We also watched a clip about Maximilian Kolbe and what he did in life. 

We were chose to do our work individually and while we were making our DLO's, Ms Wilton told us about SISOMO (stands for SIght, SOund and MOtion) it is for people who can't see or hear so Ms Wilton also introduced us to this site called Voki where can you could make videos of characters talking and you just need to write what you want it to say and it will say it for you. There was also questions that we needed to answer and it was about Who they were, what was their cause and more.

Since you could only have 600 characters on Voki, I decided to put the rest on a slideshow so that I don't have to make another character and that I won't have to make it confusing for the reader.

Here are the rest of the information about Maximilian Kolbe:

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Different Ways to Eat Spaghetti

WALT use 'I think that means' to understand the ideas in the text.

This week for reading our reading group read a story called The Best way to eat Spaghetti. It's about a boy called Max that was having trouble with eating his spaghetti, that's when his family started to butt in and was trying to show Max different ways to eat spaghetti. Max's dad preferred to use a fork and spin and twirl the spaghetti and eat it. His Mother preferred to cut it in pieces and eat it. But Max's brother showed him a proper way to eat spaghetti and he bent his head down on top of the bowl and slurped all the spaghetti up. Then his little sister was frustrated and used her hands to eat the spaghetti up. Max was also frustrated and told them all to stop, then he took his bowl of spaghetti to the kitchen and ate his spaghetti all by himself.

Also for this week, we had to do five activities according to the story and one of them that I chose to post on my blog is a poem about eating spaghetti. It took me a little while to think of a poem but I managed to look for some ideas and finally made one.

Poem about eating Spaghetti
Once you eat Spaghetti,
Gives you more energy,
It’ll splish, splash and splosh

Now my food is squashed

Friday 6 March 2020

Diary Entry

WALT use descriptive language 

This week for writing, we read a book called 'The ANZAC Violin'. It's about a guy called Alexander Aitken who brought his violin to war. During war he would sometimes play his violin to his comrades and would keep it safe when it was time to go. He was a New Zealander who fought for America in war. In the story he also wrote a diary entry about his in life in war. When Alexander got wounded in war, he left and never came back but he started to make a diary of his own telling others what he came through in war. The that violin he owned was taken by a school after he died in 3 November 1967. 

On Monday after we read the story, we started thinking about making a diary entry of our own but on Alexander's point of view. The part my diary entry is about is when Alexander is in war trying to help his comrades. Before we could start writing, we had to plan it out first and make a attribute chart and add words that we could add into our diary. In our attribute chart we had to put what we could see, hear, location, movement and temperature. Using this we could start writing a little bit about our diary entry.

What I enjoyed was writing a diary entry about war. What I found difficult was trying to think of a way to start and end my diary entry.

Here is a paragraph of my diary entry:

As I attentively took my wounded leg out of a misty deep hole, I thought for a moment and looked back at it. I can clearly hear the deadly screams of my comrades seeking for help. I was feeling too agitated trying to move away from the powerful gunshots passing by and the roaring engines as they roughly crash into each other under the scorching sun. I stood my back really straight to help myself gain more energy, but right at that moment the deadly screams suddenly faded away as a colossal bomb landed in the middle of the hole making an enormous thud sound.
I couldn’t take it anymore, my wound was getting much worse as the pain couldn’t handle it. I tried to move away from the fire that the bomb caused, but my eyesight was too blurry and my ears started to ring so badly that it was threatening me. I pause for a moment. 
Suddenly, I unclearly saw a man starting to walk smoothly upon me, giving me a hand. But the only thing that I could remember right at that moment, before I could fall onto the sun baked grass that was burning my leg so dreadfully was. I felt like falling into a pitch dark hole with absolutely nothing around me.

Saturday 29 February 2020


Last, last week, a woman came into our classroom and her name was Sophie. Sophie was there to teach us about nutrition and about the food that we need to keep our bodies healthy and strong. On the first lesson that we had with her about nutrition was about our bodies and why we need to keep them strong. On the second lesson we had with her about nutrition was about the different food groups that would keep us healthy and fit. After, we went into groups of three's or four's and we had to try to figure out which food goes into a food group. At the end she also told us about the different drinks and how many sugars that they have in them.

On our third lesson we got to go to the supermarket and went into groups again and checked the different foods that they have there and if some of them are healthy to eat or some of them are not really healthy to eat. After we earned some free new lunch boxes and got a 60 dollar voucher for free to share for everyone in the class.
Last Monday we spent our voucher on some healthy food to eat for lunch. We also got to pick which kind of food we would like as a class, and everyone got to vote which food that they would like to eat for our healthy lunch. The food that huge amount of vote was chicken with rice and fruit kebabs. The food was so delicious that there was only a few left at the end.

Also last Monday, while other people was helping to get the food ready, others was working on some work about nutrition. What we had to do was to make a DLO showing what we have learnt about nutrition and some of us worked with a buddy and some of us worked by ourselves.

Here is a slideshow showing what I have learnt:

Thursday 27 February 2020

New in the City

   WALT use 'i think that means' to understand the ideas in the text.

This week for reading, the reading group that I am into is reading a story called Lost in the City. It's about a girl called Sarah that visited a city for the first time. She was with her grandfather until she got lost. There was a huge crowd around her but she couldn't find her grandfather. So she remembered what her dad told her about going to high places to search where you are going if you are lost. It helped her and saw her grandfather talking to a police man anxiously.
One of the reading task that was on the activities that we had to do was to make a poster about visiting a city for the first time, and we could rather do it digitally or on paper, so I decided to do it digitally and made a poster on canva.     

Here is the poster I made, showing you what you could also do when visiting a city for the first time:

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Island in the Sun

WALT use 'I think that means' to understand the ideas in the text.

This week for reading, the reading group that I am in is reading a story called Island in the Sun and its about an island that has lots of trees in it and when the people saw the island, they started living there. After, they started to cut the trees down and they didn't care how much trees they were cutting down because there were lots more. They used it to make houses, gardens and lots more. Then after few years later, there were no more trees left and a ship sailed to the island and left.

One of the reading activities that I have to do is to draw a map of the island showing where the action happened. So I drew it on my computer and I kind a work and I've put my best in it so I hope you like it.

Here is the map of the island that I drew:

Friday 14 February 2020

First Time Going to Tech

It was my first time going to Tech and it was the same for some of us. Some of us from last year went to tech too with the other Year 8s from last year, but this year, the Year 6s from last year gets to go to tech this year, including me. For tech we get to go to Hornby High School which is a high school near our school. We went on this bus that had very comfortable seats with seat belts on it, then I tried putting the seat belt on but it seems like that it was stuck so I decided not to. 

When we arrived it was raining outside so we quickly got in then sat on this staircase inside next to a door that leads to outside. Few minutes later a teacher came in to talk to us and his name was Mr Health, he was our science teacher for the day or for the rest of the term and he lead us to this laboratory with cool science stuff in it. We did a test and tried this electric magnet thing, and it was fun.

After we went to a workshop and we got to choose if we could make an ID Tag or something to put on your bags or car keys or something like that. Then we did a whole tutorial to do it and everyone finish in time.

What I enjoyed was making an ID tag and doing a test in the science lab.
What I found hard was cutting my ID tag the right shape.
What I would differently is to make it easier and just do a particular shape like a square or something like that to make it easier.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Biscuits for the Teacher

WALT Use the "deep five" to unpack the text.

This start of the year was really awesome and it was fantastic. This week, the second week of Term one, for reading we have been doing kind a like the same thing we did last year but a little different. This year with Ms Wilton, we made a slideshow that we will add into every week and that is where we will put our reading activities. Also there are four reading groups and they are named the four different planets in space, there is Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Venus and I am in Mercury.

We got to choose five of the activities we had to do in my reading group, so one of the activity that I choose to do was to make a poster about how to make Ms Thomas happy and the Biscuits for the Teacher is about this boy called Stephen and Stephen's teacher, Ms Thomas is leaving to another school and Stephen really like his teacher so he decided to give her a special gift before she leaves so he decided to make biscuits for her.