
Friday 15 December 2017

Things Santa will change for the elf

Letter to Santa

Hello Santa my name is Marshmallow Cuddletrifle.And there is a problem because we always do hard work and make all the toys and rapping the present for all the kids in the word but you only lie down until Christmas and you gotta eat cookies and milk.We only sleep for like 5,6 minutes and after we eat dinner we always clean up the table.Can you please give us a long,long holiday so we could relax.Please say yes santa  so we can relax.

Thursday 7 December 2017

S.L.J Week1

Week 1:The Beginning

Activity 1: The First Setters

1. Maui is a famous man in Maori mythology.Maui is also a demi god.Maui has a lot of brothers and he is the youngest in his family.

2.Maui is also in Moana story and they go together in an adventure to give back the heart of Te-Fiti.

3. Maui catches a big fish and his brothers thought that they would be the best fisherman ever,or at least better than Maui.

Wednesday 29 November 2017


WALT show respect in different situations.
 Our school has 4 Values.The final value is Respect. We have been learning about Respect.Every Monday all of the student go to the hall and learn about the CERR Values and after we learn about CERR Values we add a slide on our respect slideshow and write about what we've learn in the hall.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Why I like dolphins.

WALT write a poem about our favorite animal.

I like Dolphin

I like them.

Ask me why?

Because they squeak so much.

Because their fast at swimming.

Because their are fun to swim with.

Because they sleep with one eye open.

Because they're good at doing tricks.

Because their .

Because they are chilly.

Because their nice and shareful.

Because ………
Because ……….

That’s why I like Dolphin.  

Monday 30 October 2017

Uru Manuka

Walt create a logo for the Uru Manuka Cluster. We've been talking about Uru Manuka and we have created a logo and I choose this logo because it mite look good and cool.

Monday 7 August 2017


WALT Identify patterns in a sequence. We have to count the patterns and we have to add them all.

Monday 31 July 2017


This slideshow explains different ways we can show responsibility.
Week2:I will work on putting more details in my writing.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Infographic me

Things about me!

1.What is your favorite color? blue.

   2. Who is your best friend? My best friend are Tweeny and Ella.

3. What are you scared of?my mum

4.How many children would you like?2

5.if you could go anywhere on holiday,where would you go? Paris

6.what do you want to be when you grow up?Doctor

7.what are you good at? I’m good at maths .

8.what is your favorite song?Shape of you.

9.If you had a superpower,what would it be?flying

10.What makes you happy? Anything that is funny

Wednesday 15 March 2017


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.