
Thursday 14 November 2019

Hidden Hotel

 WALT use paragraphs in our writing.

This week for writing we are learning about narrative writing but we are able too do free writing. What we had to add in our writing is character development which is that we have to describe the characters through out the story, language features is alliteration, simile, idiom and more, problem + solutions, speech and paragraphs. Using all of these we would be able to make our writing interesting and make the reader want to read it more..

My story is very long so I tried to make it short. I also did my writing in a google doc and it nearly took 3 pages to fit my writing in.

Here is my writing:
Hidden Hotel

“Hurry up guys!” Luna shouted.
Everyone got in the van but not Penelope, she didn’t like going to field trips with just her friends, she usually goes with her parents but it was time for her to grow up. Since middle school she was always acting like a toddler, just because she was an only child she was spoiled too much. Her parents have their own company and some rumors says that they are very rich but no one knows the truth except for Penelope and her parents. 

Penelope was thinking of calling her parents but before she could grab her phone, Everly grabbed her and pulled her in the van and that's when their adventure has just started.

When they arrived at their location, Ace was very confused on where they were.
“We are here,'' Luna said as she stretched her arms out.
It was struggling for her to drive that far. When everyone got out of the van they started walking towards a hotel, a very strange looking hotel. 
“Are you sure were supposed to meet the others here?” Ace asked,
“Yes. The teachers and the seniors had a long time talking about it and I have the address here on my phone,'' Luna replied.
Ace turned around and took a closer look on Luna’s phone if the address was right, she looked at the address on the mailbox outside the hotel and it was the same. They all kept walking till they got close to the hotel. Penelope had strange looking grin on her face that looked like she didn’t want to go inside. 

When they got to the front of the hotel, Everly was so excited. She loves it when she gets in strange/weird situations like last year, she caught a frog and hid it under her desk, no one noticed until the week after.

There wasn’t any door handle so Ace just pushed it.
“It smells like soap in here” said Everly,
“I thought it would smell like perfume in here” said Penelope,
“Well we just got to deal with it, now where is the rest of the school?” asked Ace,
“Maybe they’re late” answered Everly.
“Yah right, but where are the people that work here,” said Luna, suddenly a voice that sound like an old lady came,
“Who dares to come and trespass in my house!” shouted the voice coming from the counter of the hotel.
“AHHHHHHHH!” shouted everyone.
They all tried to run out of the hotel but the doors closed itself, instead they ran to different directions and they didn’t notice where they were going. It was like everyone was playing hide and seek, one was hiding in a big treasure chest, one was hiding in a closet in a room, one was hiding under the bed and others went into secret hideouts.

Few minutes later Ace got out of the treasure chest to check if the area was clear to run. She also tried calling the others but there was no service. So instead she decided to walk around to see if she could find them. Meanwhile, Penelope was already looking for others but little did she know she was going deeper into the hotel and had no idea on where she was going. 

While Ace was walking around looking for her friends, she heard footsteps, heavy footsteps. 
“Oh no!” Ace whispered,
“Its….its... ITS THE OLD LADY!”,
Ace quickly ran but she wasn’t looking on where she was going so she fell over but the footsteps were getting louder and closer. It even made a shadow that looked like a witch and witches are Ace’s worst nightmares. It was coming closer and closer and it was a….. Penelope.
“Penelope, you literally scared me and I was so frightened” ,
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were scared of me, I was just following you cause I thought you were running away from me”,
“No, I thought you were a witch”,
“What, do I look like one?”,
“Kind of, but anyway we need to find the others and get out of here” said Ace.
Penelope helped Ace up and they started to look for others.

In the meantime, Penelope and Ace was getting really tired so they took a little rest and sat near the end of the hallway of the hotel. Instead of going deeper, they were getting close to something. After the little rest that the two girls had, they got up again and as they were near the end of the hallway, there was a door with a doorbell on the side, Ace was wondering what it was so he went closer and was so curious. Penelope was too busy looking for food because she was starving but Ace couldn’t wait for long to get out and she is very impatient when it comes to being stuck on something. Ace lifted her hand out of her pockets and pressed the doorbell, it didn’t do anything so she stood their, few seconds later she disappeared all was left but her shoes. Penelope looked around and was very confused,
“Ace where are you?, I’m not joking, where are you”,
Penelope sat down tears on her face, she really didn’t think it was a joke so she sat there for a very long time.

Ace didn’t just disappeared, she was taken. 
“Ummm, where am I, why can’t I move my legs, Penelope where are you, this is not a joke. Hahaha, I’m laughing now, come on your scaring me”. 

Ace really didn't like it. She tried getting up but she was tied up with chains. As she looked up, she saw something horrible and it was………

As you can see I haven't quiet finished my writing yet because I think my story would be too long to read but I will try to finish the full story so you will know what will happened at the end.

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